Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lingefelt Family Reunion 2012

(if you weren't there you will not get most of my seemingly random references)

 That’s right.  It’s Family Reunion time.  A time for stuffing your face with more food than Raaandy, Raaandy, Raaandy can hold.  A time for swimming until your redder than a 1st place red velvet cupcake.  A time for dancing until your aunts start “rollin’ down the river”.  A time for bed sack.  Let us begin.

We lost some on the first day.  It’s a tough crowd to hang with.
(that's a tootsie pop)
Had time for a little shopping.
We had a late birthday celebration while we were all together!  And I actually got pictures of my Aunt Betty smiling instead of talking!  LOVE YOU MOM BEA!  :)
Aunt Betty and her big brother, Uncle Man
Beautiful cake from Ambrosia "Hapy 70th Birthday, Betty"
The Lingefelt siblings (6 out of 13 anyway) left to right:  My mom, Aunt Shirley, Aunt Liz, Uncle Man, Aunt Betty, Aunt Normie
Poo and Mom Bea
And off to the pool!!

I was out of it.  Putt Putt in the 90°s is intense.
No caption needed

Sunday was the actual Family Reunion day.  The cake was amazing.  This one was also from Ambrosia.

Top row left to right: Aunt Betty, Uncle Man, Aunt Shirley (hiding), Aunt Louise, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Doodle (being held). Bottom row: Uncle James, Uncle Tommy, Aunt Mary (face turned away), Aunt Barbara, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Liz (squinting), Aunt Normie (crying), Mom (Grandma's belly :) )

And bring on the desserts!!
Tonya's Cupcakes:  Lemon with lemon curd filling and a lemon drop on top, Strawberry with a brownie bottom, Red Velvet, Peanut butter with homemade peanut butter icing and a Reese's cup on top, and Chocolate with Kit Kat pieces and a Rolo on top.

The Bake Off entries!!
Strawberry Cheesecake

I can't remember what this was called but it was really good!!

Brownies and Strawberry cake with cream cheese icing

Chocolate Cake


This was more than a chocolate cake but I can't remember what all was in it.  I went into a sugar coma somewhere around here.

Strawberry Pie

Dirt Cake!!!  How awesome is that presentation?!  :)
Love the icing!  Lol!  White chocolate cheese cake with white chocolate curls and white chocolate covered strawberries!

The judges had their work cut out for them.  (sorry I didn't get pictures of two of the desserts seen on this table.  One was coconut and another looked like a strawberry topped something)

And the winners ARE.......
1st place Tonya's Cupcakes!  2nd place Cathy's Dirt Cake!

All the contestants (minus one)
It was a wonderful time and can't wait for next year!!
Now for shots of Batman performing everyday activities:

Batman smiling.
Batman drinking coffee.
Batman being creepy.
Batman being nosey.
Batman breaking his one rule.
Batman eating strawberry cake with a cream cheese filling on his favorite princess plate.
Batman being bed sack.